Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Dentist--Who likes them

I have never liked the dentists considering when they scrape your teeth you see blood. Or the annoying habit they do, talk to you when they have their hands in your mouth.  Really, you expect me to answer a question.  Well I am very numb right now.  I was to supposed to get two teeth pulled as they bad I was told.  They numbed my mouth.  I started to feel so numb that it felt like it was so hard to swallow.  So that brought on throwing up.  So I sat longer to see if my problem would go away.  Then he started to work in my mouth.  Saliva started to build up my mouth.  I was ready to spit or why did they not suction it out.  So the suction straw goes in my mouth and I have to close my mouth. That made me gag and more saliva and myself started to throw up again.  Why can't they suction without me closing my mouth.  So my teeth were not pulled today.  He recommended I go to a oral surgeon to be put under. If I was nervous about this, I going to be more nervous about being put under.  He stated I have the worst gag reflex he has seen in his 15 years. I proceeded to ask the dentist about oil pulling and the possible benefits that is supposedly has for teeth.  He just says there in not enough clinical data on it. My husband says I need to control it with my mind. That moment with saliva in mouth I could possibly try to tell myself not to gag.  So with no dental or medical insurance I do not see this happening soon. I do not want to ask my parents to my that kind of bill. The dentist trying talking about how infection is getting my blood and bacteria is all around in my mouth because I have great amounts of calcium buildup.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

St. Louis -- many places to visit

St. Louis, Missouri is only about 25 minutes from my house.  There is a lot of things to see and do there. As many are even free. I published a article online about the places to see in St. Louis. So here it is.

Places to visit in St. Louis, MO

Obsession good to have

Thought I would share one of my earlier articles that have been published online.

An Obsession Good to have in Life

Monday, August 19, 2013

A day on the river

My husband, myself and son went on a boat ride with my brother in law and sister in law.  It was exhilarating and peaceful at the same time.  No bad thoughts were crossing my mind when we were coasting down the river.  We went down the Mississippi river.  I was able to see the different houses  built up because of the possibility of flooding.  I think about the possibility of having a boat and know it is not possible.  My husband loves to be on the river. He is very one with the river and a boat.  I could see us having one and being on the river often.  Though the expenses are high to have a boat.  Hopefully we will be able to go on more boat rides because my husband is working on his brother's boat.  Maybe some day way off in the future a boat may be a possibility for life.  

Saturday, August 17, 2013


I think I am going to write an article about alcohol. How it affects people personally.  Considering my husband has had 2 DUI's while I have been with him. Everyone hears the facts but I want to tell it from my view.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I figured it out ---I am a writer.

“I am participating in the ‘Writing Contest: You Are A Writer’ held by Positive Writer.” So I started to think when did it hit me that I am a writer.  When I was in high school I wrote various things like short stories or poems.  In these poems, I voiced my opinions.  I could say I was a writer but not many people read these writings of mine.  One year, I was a guest columnist for the local paper.  We could write whatever we wanted to write about.  This was not an ongoing thing so I did not see myself truly a writer.

Just recently, I starting writing again and was getting published as a Yahoo contributor online.  I have been writing articles of various topics.  It has been just recently that I feel I am truly a writer.  I have watched the number of views go higher and higher.  Obviously people like what I have to say in my articles, then they tell someone else then that person reads the article.  It truly has amazed me that many people are reading certain articles.  I feel that even though there has been a large time gap in my writing, I still have the ability to write. I have the desire to write and tell other people about my life experiences.  As a writer, I can speak about things that are unspoken verbally.  Because as many people know that sometimes it is easy to get tongue tied when talking out loud or forget to say something we wanted to bring up.  As a writer, I feel my brain works differently because inspirations and thoughts may hit me at weird moments.  I am sure that other writers have had this happen to them too.  Where they have a special tablet on them at all times or a tablet by the bed to write an idea down.  I feel my writing ideas are changing every day. I feel I must continue to write.  I feel I must tell my life store in various articles. They may have been discussed before but not from my point of view.  I tell myself, you have to write more articles. I tell others who are debating the idea to write, just find a spare moment in the day a start free writing your thoughts no matter what they are.  Believe in your thoughts and your writing as only your own.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I want a job but only certain jobs

Finding a job is hard to do.  Sometimes it is who you know no matter if you don't want to face that fact.  I apply many places and still get no phone calls.  I will not stoop myself to working at fast location.  I know it is bad to say but at 38 years old, it just isn't right.  I understand it is a job, just not for me.  For my job, I have to think about my family. When I say this, taking on a evening job would not be a good idea.  I would only see my son and husband about a half hour in the mornings and every other weekend possibly.  Never seeing my husband would hurt our relationship as well.  There are people out there that try to get you to do their work at home business then you find out you have to pay to do it. Why would I pay when I already watching the money.  Some of the jobs are just posting a link various places on the internet and getting people to buy things.  Some of these jobs are scams, as some people do not want to hear that.

My dream job would probably be cooking for others.  It may be as cooking for people on a as needed basis or as a catering business.  Though starting a business cost a great deal of money too.

Writing could be a job. But it is more like a residual income job.  If only I would commit myself to looking for possible writing opportunities.  My husband would never see freelance writing as a job.

If only I could find a business or non profit place to put my skills of using coupons to work.  That would be be awesome.  I love saving money.

My new blog-What is it all about?

I decided to have a blog to write on that is whatever my thoughts. This would kind of be like a journal.  I have another blog but it is about coupons, free events in the area and frugal living.  I am not sure how often I will post on here considering it seems like I am running out of time already in my life.

I am a mom to a 12 year old boy and a wife to my husband.  I live in the Midwest. I enjoy using coupons, cooking most of the time, and writing.  I am always looking for ways to save money by frugal ideas.  At this present time I am looking for a full time job.  I am a certified nurses assistant.  I substitute teach when I am needed and if I am available.  I can be called lazy sometimes because I have flowerbeds that are full of weeds.